Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages October 7 - 11  

Monday, October 7th, 2019


Dear Students:

      After a memorable weekend of family activities, community events, parties and get-togethers, shopping and extra screen-time, let us now, here, at the new week's beginning, refocus our minds to the discipline of learning, striving in our schoolwork and behavior of excellence!

     Let's refocus on this opportunity, this special opportunity of being together with so many classmates, for helping one another in our learning and doing, each, our part, in making our whole class, Classroom 16, GREAT!


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, October 8th


Dear Students:

      "Success breeds success" is a phrase that applies both to skills and teamwork of sports as it does to the skills and teamwork engaged in, in our special Classroom 16!

     Strive to achieve each new skill, each new challenge. Try to understand; try to get it right, and then feel that joy felt by having success!

     Help your classmates experience success, and feel how wonderful a "Team" of students we are!

     Let's talk about what success you've had in recent days and then get ready for more challenges.


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, October 9th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Last year we read a really long story called "The Canoe Village." One of its themes was about the people's culture, and how they always thought about their Ancestors, that their Ancestors wanted the people to lead a good life, because that's what the Ancestors had hoped they lived for.

     All cultures have some similar perceptions about their ancestors.

     I want you to think about, to feel, what it is your Ancestors hope you will be like in school, how it is what you do would make your Ancestors proud of you. Then act accordingly.


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, October 10th, 2019


Dear Students:

      I am proud of you, each one of you.

     There is so much learning happening every day, so many challenges I call upon you to meet, so many requirements placed upon you.

     I know that, when you are refocused by me, to engage with the whole of your attention upon the lesson requirements, upon the tests given you, that you do indeed try your best. Every effort you make to try your best in all that is required of you, strengthens your "Brain-power by the hour!"

     Onward and forward, everyone!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, October 11th, 2019


Dear Students:

      I have been watching closely, your growth and educational development, even as you are, daily, experiencing success in your own sense about your learning.

     You are taking-in new knowledge every day, and the more you strive for excellence in EVERYTHING we do, the faster this new knowledge becomes "your own."

     Work hard, listen respectfully and carefully, and take every opportunity today to experience "The Joy of learning!"


           Mr. Stathis